
Chicago Area Man Arrested, Charged with Bank Fraud in Mortgage Scheme

URBANA, IL - April 8, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- A Chicago-area man, Salvatore DiBenedetto, 52, of Downers Grove, appeared in federal court in Urbana today after his arrest on a 16-count indictment charging him with defrauding an Arcola, Illinois bank of approximately $2.5 million from April 2008 to February 2010. The indictment had remained sealed pending DiBenedetto’s arrest and court appearance. DiBenedetto was ordered detained in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service pending a hearing scheduled on Apr. 12.

Illinois REALTORS® Celebrate Fair Housing Month in April

Springfield, IL - April 1, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- April marks the 43rd anniversary of the U.S. Fair Housing Act, landmark legislation prohibiting discrimination when it comes to housing. As one of the leading advocates for fair housing in the state, the Illinois Association of REALTORS® devotes the month of April to highlighting fair housing laws.“People have the right to live wherever they can afford to live and their access to a home shouldn’t be denied or restricted because of discrimination.

Illinois Department of Insurance Reminds Consumers to Review Flood Insurance Policies

CHICAGO, IL - March 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Illinois Department of Insurance is reminding homeowners and renters to prepare in advance for the possibility of floods by reviewing policy coverage and determining whether flood insurance is needed.


WASHINGTON, DC - March 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced a commitment to insure a mortgage loan to Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. The $66 million loan is made possible through the Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) Section 242 Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program.

February Home Sales Up 1.3 Percent from January in Illinois

SPRINGFIELD, IL - March 21, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- February home sales in Illinois rose from January while year-over-year comparisons still reflect an impact from the homebuyer tax credit incentive. The single family market shows signs of stabilization with steady median price gains statewide in the first two months of the year compared to 2009 and 2010 levels.

Springfield Real Estate Agent Pleads Guilty to Concealing Assets in a Bankruptcy Proceeding and...

SPRINGFIELD, IL - March 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- A Springfield, Illinois real estate agent, Darlene M. Adkins, 65, today entered pleas of guilty to concealing assets in a bankruptcy proceeding and making a false statement to a bank, as announced by Jim Lewis, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois. Sentencing is scheduled for July 18, 2011

Quigley, Cummings Introduce Bill to Dispose of Unwanted Federal Property, Increase Transparency

WASHINGTON, DC - March 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, U.S. Representatives Mike Quigley (IL-05) and Elijah Cummings (MD-7) introduced a bill that would increase transparency in property records and save the federal government billions of dollars simply by selling or disposing of unwanted government-owned property.

Illinois Association of REALTORS® Releases Data Supporting Case for Higher Government Loan Limits

SPRINGFIELD, IL - March 15, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Illinois Association of REALTORS® (IAR) today released new data that shows mortgage loans above the current conforming limit have not led to an increase in foreclosures in the Chicagoland region as some have previously thought. The data provides evidence to support those advocating for an increase in conventional loan limits in select areas of northern Illinois.

State Selects Five Supportive Living Facilities For Pilot Project for Dementia Care

SPRINGFIELD, IL - March 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) today announced the approval of five supportive living facilities (SLFs) selected to participate in an innovative pilot project designed to provide specialized housing and care for persons with dementia. The five sites are in Decatur, Effingham, Rantoul, North Aurora and Chicago.

NAR Home Ownership Bus Tour Rolls into Chicago

Washington, DC - March 7, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The National Association of Realtors® month-long Home Ownership Matters Bus Tour kicks off this weekend in Chicago outside of the Chicago Flower & Garden Show on Saturday, March 5. Chicagoans can speak with NAR leaders and invited local officials about the housing issues that matter to them, as well as learn about how public policy developments in Washington could affect their ability to buy, sell and own a home

Statewide Loan Makes Homeownership Affordable for First-time Buyers

CHICAGO, IL - March 4, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- With spring around the corner, it’s an ideal time for first-time homebuyers and Veterans to take advantage of a statewide affordable loan program available through the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA). SmartMove loan programs enable residents across the state to benefit from historically low interest rates and home prices. SmartMove features down payment assistance and interest rates as low as 4.5 percent

Optimal Buyer Market Conditions Linger in the Illinois Housing Market January Sales Up or...

SPRINGFIELD, IL - February 23, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Buyer market conditions remain in most Illinois housing markets as low mortgage interest rates helped spur some early buying in January despite typical slower sales for the winter month. More than half of Illinois counties reported year-over-year increases or no change in home sales for January

Home Sales in Metro Chicago Real Estate Market Showed Resilience During January, Reports RE/MAX

Chicago, IL - February 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Home sales in the seven-county metropolitan Chicago real estate market showed encouraging resilience in January even though total home sales slipped 3.7 percent below the level recorded in the same month of 2010, according to an analysis by RE/MAX

State Reminds Consumers to Check Flood Insurance as Snow Melts and Before Spring Rains

CHICAGO, IL - February 17, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Illinois Department of Insurance is reminding homeowners and renters to prepare for the possibility of a spring flood by checking existing homeowner and renter policy coverage and determining whether to add flood insurance.

Homebuyer Tax Credit Extension for U.S. Service Members Expires April 30

Springfield, IL - February 16, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- U.S military personnel and certain other federal employees serving overseas must act quickly if they plan to take advantage of the federal tax credit of up to $8,000 for first-time buyers and $6,500 for long-time homeowners that expires on April 30, 2011. Members of the U.S. military, foreign serviceand intelligence communities were given an extra year to claim the tax credit, which expired in 2010 for all other homebuyers.“The tax credit has been a great incentive for new and repeat homebuyers and U.S. service members have but a short window to claim it before it is gone. At a time when affordable home prices have never been better, U.S. service members can get even more homebuying power with a sizable tax credit that they don’t have to pay back,” said REALTOR® Sheryl Grider Whitehurst, ABR,CRB,GRI, president of the Illinois Association of REALTORS® and the Development and Operations Coordinator for Traders Realty in Peoria.


Investigation by CHA and HUD Inspectors General ends with guilty plea...

The Chicago Housing Authority will receive restitution for money stolen by a former contractor and her husband after the pair pleaded guilty to stealing funds intended for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, a crime that was exposed following an investigation by the CHA’s Office of the Inspector General.


How to Evaluate if Managed IT Services Suit Your Real Estate Business

How to Evaluate if Managed IT Services Suit Your Real Estate...

Technology has become a cornerstone for businesses, playing a crucial role across industries, including real estate. Whether managing property listings, ensuring seamless communication with clients, or safeguarding