
Durbin Statement on Administration Plan to Reform the Housing Market

WASHINGTON, D.C. - February 14, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) released the following statement after the Obama Administration announced a plan to dramatically reform the nation’s housing markets and to end Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government controlled financing agencies:

Illinois Housing Market Gains Ground in 2010 in a Tough Economy

SPRINGFIELD, IL - February 10, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Chicagoland region ended 2010 nearly even with home sales in 2009 while statewide the Illinois housing market continued to ride out the turbulent economic times boosted by sales from the homebuyer tax credits. For the year, statewide total home sales (single family homes and condominiums) were down 3.8 percent in 2010 with 103,710 homes sold compared to 107,782 sales in 2009; in the nine-county Chicagoland PMSA, home sales reached 69,010, off just -0.5 percent from 69,367 home sales in 2009

RE/MAX Again Was No. 1 in Home Sales Across the Metro Chicago Real Estate...

Chicago, IL - February 8, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The RE/MAX Northern Illinois real estate network once again led the seven-county metro Chicago real estate market in home sales during the year just ended. RE/MAX agents sold 12,678 listed residences, easily outdistancing any other brokerage organization. RE/MAX has held the number one position, based on listings sold in the metro Chicago real estate market, since area-wide data was first collected in 1994.

Mayor Daley Dedicates New Casa Maravilla Senior Housing And Satellite Center In Pilsen Community

Chicago, IL - February 8, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Mayor Richard M. Daley today joined Ald. Danny Solis (25th) and members of the Pilsen community to celebrate the grand opening of the Casa Maravilla affordable senior housing facility and satellite center located at 2021 S. Morgan St

Lynn Madison Named 2011 Illinois REALTOR® of the Year

SPRINGFIELD, IL - January 31, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Lynn Madison of Lake Zurich was named the 2011 Illinois REALTOR® of the Year. Madison is a real estate broker and is owner of Lynn Madison Seminars, Inc. A REALTOR® of the Year banquet will be held honoring Madison on April 6th at the Hilton Hotel in Springfield.

Durbin Writes to Governor Quinn About Protecting Illinois Servicemembers from Excessive Mortgage Fees and...

WASHINGTON, D.C. - January 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) wrote to Illinois Governor Pat Quinn today, pledging to work together to protect Illinois servicemembers from excessive mortgage fees and foreclosure. Recent news reports have raised concerns that servicemembers are being overcharged for the mortgages and foreclosed upon in violation of their legal rights. Durbin asked Quinn to do all that he can to ensure servicemembers are aware of their rights and the resources available to them.

Federal Funds Stimulate Affordable Housing Construction, Job Creation across IL

CHICAGO, IL - January 27, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) announced federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds have enabled the start of construction and rehabilitation of nearly 5,500 affordable rental homes, creating an estimated 4,855 jobs statewide

Illinois Home Sales in December Up 11.1% from Previous Month Sales and Price Declines...

SPRINGFIELD, IL - January 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Illinois winds down 2010 with a significant boost in December home sales compared to the prior two months while post-recession price and sales declines have moderated in Illinois yet remain constrained from tighter lending, slow economic recovery and distressed properties. According to the Illinois Association of REALTORS® latest report, statewide total home sales (single family and condominiums) in December totaled 7,682 sales, up 11.1 percent from 6,915 sales in the previous month of November; year-over-year sales were down 7.3 percent from 8,288 sales in December 2009.

Tax credits, affordability drove Illinois home sales in 2010

SPRINGFIELD, IL - January 19, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- First-time buyers continued to be a driving force in the Illinois housing market as they took advantage of the first-time homebuyer tax credit and the most affordable housing market in years, according to the 2010 Profile of Illinois Home Buyers and Sellers. The survey results released by the Illinois Association of REALTORS® (IAR) found 53% of buyers were first-time buyers, compared to 50% nationwide (a figure which has averaged closer to 40% nationwide since 2001).

IEMA Launches 2011 Preparedness Campaign with Focus on Hazard Mitigation

SPRINGFIELD, IL - January 6, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- While it may be impossible to prevent natural hazards, such as floods, droughts and wind storms, there are actions communities and their citizens can take to reduce or eliminate loss of life and property. Throughout January, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) will focus on hazard mitigation as part of its 2011 Preparedness Campaign

Illinois Median Home Price Remains Stable Three Straight Months

SPRINGFIELD, IL - December 22, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Economic and seasonal factors and a residual tax credit effect impacted home sales in November while prices held steady for three consecutive months with half of Illinois counties reporting posting a median price increase or no change from a year ago. According to the Illinois Association of REALTORS® latest report, statewide total home sales (single family and condominiums) were down 3.5 percent year-to-date January through November 2010 with 95,973 home sales posted compared to 99,494 home sales for the same period in 2009. For the month of November home sales totaled 6,884, down 34.5 percent from 10,505 home sales in November 2009

Mayor Daley Dedicates Branch Of Hope Apartments, New Affordable And Supportive Housing Developement In...

December 20, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Mayor Richard M. Daley today officially opened the new Branch of Hope Apartments, which will provide 100 units of affordable, supportive housing in the City’s Englewood community. “Branch of Hope is another new development that demonstrates the city’s strong commitment to providing affordable and supportive housing for our residents who need it,” Daley said in a ceremony at the apartments, 5628-30 S. Halsted St.

State presents 9-point plan to fix ‘sloppy’ foreclosures in Illinois

CHICAGO, IL - December 15, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- In an effort to clean up the foreclosure process in Illinois, Brent E. Adams, Secretary of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), today released a 9-point “affidavit preparation expectations” plan

IHDA Celebrates Start of Construction on Housing for Domestic Violence Victims

ZION, IL - December 9, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Twenty units of permanent supportive housing in Lake County for victims of domestic abuse will be built as a result of the financial investment of the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA). An estimated 82 jobs will be created with the construction of the new A Safe Place development

Governor Quinn Calls on Illinois Residents to Support Our Troops This Holiday Season

CHICAGO, IL - November 29, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Governor Pat Quinn today joined local schoolchildren to light the state of Illinois’ annual holiday tree and launch the Illinois Heroes holiday card drive. Governor Quinn encouraged schoolchildren from across the state to take part in the annual drive by making holiday cards for servicemembers at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) in Germany. Governor Quinn will personally deliver the cards during a visit to troops at LRMC later this year.


Investigation by CHA and HUD Inspectors General ends with guilty plea...

The Chicago Housing Authority will receive restitution for money stolen by a former contractor and her husband after the pair pleaded guilty to stealing funds intended for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, a crime that was exposed following an investigation by the CHA’s Office of the Inspector General.


How to Evaluate if Managed IT Services Suit Your Real Estate Business

How to Evaluate if Managed IT Services Suit Your Real Estate...

Technology has become a cornerstone for businesses, playing a crucial role across industries, including real estate. Whether managing property listings, ensuring seamless communication with clients, or safeguarding