Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) CEO Eugene Jones, Jr. and Chicago Public Library (CPL) Commissioner Brian Bannon today to announce an interagency partnership that will provide three new mixed-income housing developments with co-located libraries - strengthening communities with affordable housing and community anchors that support life-long learning. In a break from the standard, cookie-cutter designs that are common to government buildings, Mayor Emanuel envisions striking and bold architectural designs for these buildings. As part of the projects, he will call on architectural firms to bid on the work and use their creativity to leave a lasting legacy of public art in neighborhoods across Chicago
Chicago Housing Authority to distribute 10,000 coats to children at 9th annual Operation Warm...
CHA is partnering with the national non-profit Operation Warm for the ninth consecutive year to give away 10,000 new winter coats to children living in Public Housing and participants of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.
CHA Board approves predevelopment loans for redevelopment at Ickes Homes
The Chicago Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Tuesday approved the predevelopment loan agreements with the master developers that allows the redevelopment of the Ickes Homes to move forward
Lipinski Announces Grant for Access Routes to New Metra Station in Romeoville
Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3) is announcing a $296,700 grant from the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program to fund access routes to Romeoville’s new Metra station near 135th and New Avenue. The grant, which comes from federal government funds, will be used to complete a path for walking and biking south of 135th Street and help pay for the installation of lighting along the multi-use path, a nearby access road, sidewalks, platforms, and a warming shelter
Chicago Remodeler and Architect Michael Menn Named 2016 NAHB Remodeler of the Year
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Remodelers honored Michael Menn, CAPS, CGP, CGR, a remodeler and architect from Northbrook, Ill., with its highest annual remodeling achievement award, the 2016 NAHB Remodeler of the Year. The award, which recognizes superior business management, exemplary NAHB involvement at all levels and outstanding contributions to the remodeling industry, was presented on Oct. 6 during the NAHB Remodelers All Stars Party in conjunction with the Remodeling Show | DeckExpo | JLC LIVE in Baltimore.
Changes at Illinois Executive Mansion for Renovation
The Governor's Office announced today the Illinois Executive Mansion will close to the public in January 2017 for renovations. "The People's House will undergo an extensive transformation over the next year," First Lady Diana Rauner said. "In order to properly preserve the building as quickly and efficiently as possible, we will close the building to the public during the renovations.
CHA announces first-ever web postings of Inspector General quarterly reports, new info for Housing...
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) announced that its Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) quarterly reports will be available online effective today, along with the addition of the Chicago Police Department’s (CPD) CLEARMAP database for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) residents aimed at helping them make informed decisions about where they choose to live.
Kirk Meets with Washington Tornado Survivors
U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Mayor Gary Manier of Washington, Illinois, today met with survivors of the 2013 tornado that devastated the Washington community, destroying more than 1,000 homes and creating more than $25 million worth of damages. During the visit, Senator Kirk received updates on Washington’s rebuilding progress and discuss legislation he has championed to ensure Illinois residents receive assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) following natural disasters.
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD), took his “Mike on the Move” transportation initiative to Divvy, a city wide bicycle ride-sharing system. His visit highlighted the trends of public transit and biking that the city is adapting in order to create a more transportation friendly and safer environment for bicyclists in the City of Chicago.
Doug Carpenter Installed as President of Illinois REALTORS
REALTOR® Doug Carpenter, ABR, AHWD, GRI, SFR, of Mokena has been installed as the 2017 President of Illinois REALTORS®. He is the managing broker of Coldwell Banker Honig-Bell in Orland Hills.
Hultgren Supports Legislation to Scale Back Antiquated “Death” Tax
U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) has joined 59 of his House colleagues in cosponsoring H.R. 6100, the Protect Family Farms and Businesses Act. Recent regulations from the Treasury Department artificially increase the value of many family farms and businesses, which could ultimately force them to pay more in estate, or “death” taxes. For years the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has discounted interest held in businesses for estate tax purposes—now the IRS plans to count that interest as a percentage of what the business is worth
Mayor Emanuel Announces New Program To Employ And Deliver Services To 100 Homeless Individuals
Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Department of Family Supports and Services (DFSS) Commissioner Lisa Morrison Butler announced today the innovative Day for Change initiative—a jobs program that will provide up to 100 homeless individuals an opportunity to connect to services while earning a modest wage. A Day for Change will connect homeless panhandlers with temporary employment opportunities and supportive services.
Durbin Announces $5 Million Investment In Northwest Illinois Transportation Infrastructure
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today announced that the cities of Savanna and Rochelle, Illinois have received nearly $5 million through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) grants to invest in transportation infrastructure projects, boosting economic development and creating jobs throughout the region.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel today joined Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) CEO Eugene Jones, Ald. Pat Dowell (3rd) and community stakeholders to reopen the historic Rosenwald Courts in Bronzeville as a modern, affordable apartment complex.
U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD), successfully included an amendment to the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 that requires the Army Corp of Engineers to expedite the completion of Stage 2 of the McCook Reservoir construction project. Rep. Quigley’s remarks on the House Floor during debate of his amendment are available here. The amendment passed by voice vote.